Most chicken keepers seek out common, affordable chicken breeds to make a profit off selling eggs. However, the most expensive chicken breeds are often worth the extra costs.
So, let’s look at the most expensive rare chicken breeds, how much they cost, and why they’re so expensive. Then, you can decide if you’re willing to pay the steep costs to get one of these magnificent birds.
How Much Does the Average Chicken Cost?
Most baby chickens cost anywhere from $3 to $30, depending on the breed. If you want to purchase a laying hen rather than raising your own birds, you can expect to pay close to $20 to $50. That being said, there are several breeds that continuously sell for well above these price ranges.
Most Expensive Chicken Breeds
Here are the top 12 most expensive chicken breeds. Most of them are worth the price due to how rare they are.
#1 – Ayam Cemani

Average price: $2,500
The Ayam Cemani price is so high because these chickens have a rare condition called fibromelanosis, which is an excess of dark pigment. So, the bird’s feathers, meat, and even bones appear black. This breed’s unique appearance has earned it the nickname “Lamborghini chicken.”
Not only are they beautiful, but some cultures believe they can heal people and communicate with spirits. It’s unclear if the dark pigments of these chickens have negative effects on them, but it’s possible that it effects the quality of their eggs.
A pair of these chickens is about $5,000 while you can purchase chicks for $50 each. If you want a dozen hatching eggs, you can expect to pay around $160.
#2 – Dong Tao
Average price: $1,250
Dong Tao chickens are also known as “dragonlegged chickens.” They originate from Vietnam, and they sell for high prices because they’re great for producing meat. They have thick, dragon-like legs, and people believe they’re the tastiest type of chicken.
These chickens are rare to find, but their egg-laying skills aren’t ideal. Hens only lay about 60 eggs each year, which is why they’re normally produced for only meat.
The Dong Tao chicken price is about $2,500 for a pair of adults. Finding hatching eggs, chicks, and pullets for this breed is extremely rare.
#3 – Kadaknath
Average price: $1,250
Kadaknaths have a similar appearance to Ayam Cemanis due to their dark feathers. They also have fibromelanosis, and their black meat is said to have healing properties. They can only be found in India, and locals claim their meat is extra nutritious compared to other breeds.
Hatching eggs are affordable at only about $1 per egg, but a pair of pullets or adults will cost you about $2,500.
#4 – Liege Fighter
Average price: $125
Liege Fighters used to be used for cockfighting, so they’re one of the biggest chicken breeds. Roosters are about 12 pounds and 2.5 feet tall. Despite having a frightening name and past, these chickens are friendly toward humans and lay a decent amount of eggs. So, they can be used for eggs or meat.
A Liege Fighter will usually cost you about $100 to $150. Even chicks can cost between $50 and $100. While hatching eggs are rare, you may be able to find them for around $120 for a dozen.
#5 – Deathlayer
Average price: $100
Deathlayers are white chickens with black speckles. Rumors state that they got their names because they can lay eggs until the day they die. While that might be an exaggeration, they do lay eggs frequently even when they’re old. So, they’re perfect for keepers looking for a good egg-laying hen.
One of these egg-laying hens will cost you about $100. Hatching eggs are much more affordable at about $14 each.
#6 – Ayam Ketawa

Average price: $100
Ayam Ketawa chickens are sometimes called “laughing chickens” because people claim they make a sound similar to a human laugh. They’re loud, so they’re not suitable for keepers who live close to neighbors. The roosters of this breed also have some of the most distinct combs.
You can purchase these chickens for about $100 each, and chicks are only slightly less.
#7 – Olandsk Dwarf
Average price: $100
Olandsk Dwarfs are bantams, meaning they’re extra small. They’re an extremely rare breed, and at one point, only 50 of them existed in the world. Today, their population is still only in the hundreds. They’re beloved because they’re friendly and easy to take care of, so they’re great for keepers of all experience levels.
Adult chickens and chicks cost about $100 or more, but laying eggs are only about $8. However, it’s difficult to find some for sale.
#8 – Swedish Black
Average price: $100
Swedish Black is another completely black chicken breed. Like the breeds mentioned earlier, they have fibromelanosis, causing them to have a black pigment from head to toe. Their black feathers usually have a shimmer of green or purple when the light hits them. They’re a great cold weather breed because they lay eggs year-round. They’re so pricey because they’re difficult to find.
This black chicken price is usually at least $100. If you happen to find laying eggs, they will be only $13 per egg.
#9 – Pavlovskaya

Average price: $86
This Russian chicken breed became extinct in the 1980s, but a group of dedicated chicken keepers brought them back. They have a very low egg production, which is why it’s so hard to keep the breed alive. The rarity alone is the reason these birds can be pricey.
An adult chicken can cost about $86 while a chick is closer to $75. A laying egg will cost about $20.
#10 – Orust
Average price: $60
Orusts are a rare chicken breed from Sweden. They are currently at risk of extinction, and in 2013, there were less them 500 in existence. They have a beautiful black and white spotted or mosaic appearance.
It’s very difficult to find them for sale, but if you do, chickens and pullets will usually be about $60 each. Chicks are about $30 while laying eggs are $10.
#11 – Bresse
Average price: $30
Bresse chickens aren’t common anywhere in the world except for Bresse, France. The American Bresse is a different breed entirely. They are pure white chickens that are known for having excellent meat. However, they are rarely kept for eggs because their egg production is low.
The price for a Bresse chicken can vary greatly. Chickens and pullets are usually only $30, but adults can sometimes cost as much as $200. Chicks are only about $10 while eggs are $4.
#12 – Sussex

Average price: $50
Sussex chickens seem cheap compared to some of the other chickens on this list, but they’re still more expensive than the average chicken breed. They have a wide range of color varieties, including the speckled one, which is the most desirable. Many people seek out these chickens because they’re great for both eggs and meat.
Sussex eggs are only about $10 each while chicks are about $25. Pullets and adults are closer to $50, but if you’re seeking out an adult speckled Sussex, you might be paying closer to $115.
Frequently Asked Questions
Now that you know what some of the most expensive chicken breeds are, you might be curious about more details. Here are some questions that chicken keepers often wonder.
What is the Rarest Chicken Breed?
There isn’t a clear answer, but it’s suspected that the Dong Tao chicken breed is the rarest, which is why it’s so pricey and hard to find.
Why Are Black Chickens so Expensive?
The black chicken and black chicken meat price is so expensive because these chickens are rare, unique, and thought to have special powers. Some black chicken breeds are cheaper than others, but most people seek out these birds because of their appearance or because their meat is thought to be tastier than other breeds.
Choosing the Right Chicken for You
There are so many chicken breeds, and not all of them will break the bank. The chickens on this list are incredible breeds, but you should only seek them out if you can support their costs and care. Most of them are expensive due to their rarity, not their egg and meat production. So, they’re ideal for experienced keepers who aren’t looking to make a lot of money off them.
With any chicken breed, you need to remember that buying the chicken isn’t the only expense. If you don’t already have a coop, run, and supplies set up, make sure you have enough money set aside for that too. It’s always good to plan ahead before buying an animal.