For many, having a healthy and self-sufficient lifestyle is the ultimate goal. DIY projects and putting in a bit of sweat equity around the house are falling into fashion with all walks of life.

Few home projects can reward you with an abundance of benefits the way raising your own chickens can. But, before you get started, you need to know what type of coop will work best for your situation.
A great way to start raising chickens for the first time is with a chicken tractor.
Keep reading below to find out all of the great benefits of raising chickens and see 50 unique DIY chicken tractor plans you can use to get started.
What is a Chicken Tractor
While a chicken tractor sounds like a child’s toy, they are, in fact, a great way to house and safeguard your chickens. When you take a look at chicken tractor plans, you will quickly see that they are small, lightweight coops, usually without a floor, that can be easily moved around your property.
The tractor part of the name comes from the way chickens scratch at the ground as they forage. This scratching breaks up the top layer of soil under the coop, tilling it similarly to the way a large tractor tills land.
6 Benefits of Having a Chicken Tractor
If you’re new to raising chickens, there is a good chance you have only been thinking about installing a traditional coop and pen. However, don’t be so hasty!
Take a look at a few chicken tractor plans before making your mind up about how you want to store and protect your egg-laying friends. Plus, read these six great reasons why a chicken tractor may be the best option for you and your chickens!

● Free-Range – While they aren’t precisely free-range, the best chicken tractor plans will be able to mimic the feeling of free-range for your chickens. Floorless chicken tractors allow your chickens to hunt and scratch for bugs, seeds, and grass tips the same as they would if they were free to roam around your yard. Chicken tractors provide a more natural home for your egg-laying pals.
● Keeps Things Fresh – Chickens can be a great way to till up and aerate the soil around your property, but if they stay in one spot for too long, they can damage the ground. The mobility of a chicken tractor allows you to move it and your chickens around your land at will. This will enable your chickens to have a consistent supply of fresh ground to scratch around in while also giving previously used areas of your yard time to recover.
● Reduced Pest Population – Chickens are omnivores and will chow down as much on bugs and insects as they will scratch feed and seeds. Your chickens will decimate the insect population around their coops. Finding a chicken tractor plan that suits your needs will not only let you reposition the coop around your yard but also gives your chickens a wider area to thin insect and other pest populations.
● Fertilize Trouble Areas – Besides free eggs and pest control, your chickens are going to leave you with plenty of fertilizer for your ground. Chicken manure is perfect for enriching and providing your soil with the nutrients it needs to grow whatever you have planned. Roll the chicken tractor over a bare spot in the grass or your garden, and let your chickens do the rest! All you need to do is move the tractor again before the chickens begin to damage the soil.
● Happier Chickens – Having a constant supply of fresh soil and insects will do wonders for your chickens’ moods! Finding and following a chicken tractor plan that works for your yard will give your chickens a greater sense of living in their natural environment. This reduces stress on their little bodies and leads to happier chickens. And happier chickens lead to more and better-tasting eggs!
● Options – The right chicken tractor plan will provide you with the versatility you need to find the best spot for your chickens as seasons and conditions change. High water, blistering heat, freezing temperatures, or anything else Mother Nature can throw at your chickens won’t be a problem. You have the freedom with a chicken tractor to find the perfect spot to keep feathered buddies safe!
Getting Ready for Your Chicken Tractor
Before you can pick the chicken tractor plan that is going to work best for your situation, you’re going to want to know a little basic information first. Beginning this process with a bit of knowledge will allow you to provide your chickens with the safest and most comfortable environment possible. This will keep your chickens healthy, happy, and provide you with eggs for years to come.

What is the Ideal Size Chicken Tractor
By their nature, chicken tractors are small and portable. But, they still need to be large enough to hold the number of chickens you plan to get. Without enough room, your chickens can begin competing for space and food.
This leads to aggressive behavior and combative pecking amongst your chickens. Habits that, once started, can be very hard for your chickens to break.
As a rule of thumb, you’re going to want around 3-square feet in a coop per chicken. For the chicken run, you’re going to need about 4-square feet per chicken. So as an example, five chickens would need around 15-square feet in their coop with 20-square feet in an attached run.
How Much Will a Chicken Tractor Cost
Chicken tractor costs are going to vary widely from build to build. Simple DIY projects could be done for under $100 or as much as $300 or more. It will depend on the amount of work you want to put into the build and complexity of the chicken tractor plan you follow.
If you’re not much of a DIYer, you’re covered there as well. You can find chicken tractors at a number of retailers for around $200 or less. If you’re excited about raising your own chickens, there is a price point that will work for you!
Must-Have Chicken Tractor Plan Items
No matter what your price point is, there will be a few universal items that all chicken tractors really need. You may add a few extras for style or luxury for your chickens, but these are the essential items to get you started with your chicken tractor plans.
● An enclosed nesting area
● A small chicken run
● For protection from predators, a wire mesh or other materials to cover the top
● A sturdy but lightweight frame with or without wheels
Now that we have gone over the benefits and some important things to consider when picking the perfect chicken tractor, it’s time to look at a few. Just remember, the perfect chicken tractor plan is the one that works best for your property and situation. So with that in mind, read on to see 50 fun and easy DIY chicken tractor plans!
50 Simple and Fun to Make Chicken Tractor Plans
1. PVC Domed Chicken Tractor

Fresheggsdaily brings us this roomy little chicken tractor. This chicken tractor plan will have your chickens feeling less stressed and delivering more eggs! This spacious tractor has a high arching dome that, when combined with the bare ground, truly gives your chickens a sense of freedom.
Ease of Build | Easy |
Size in Feet | 6×8 |
Max Number of Chickens | 10 |
2. A Roomy Domed Chicken Tractor Plan

This awesome coop definitely isn’t the smallest on the list, but it is still small and light enough to be moved around easily. And with the plans you can find over on backyardchickens, you should have an easy time getting this chicken tractor up and ready for your clucking buds.
Ease of Build | Easy |
Size in Feet | 4×10 |
Max Number of Chickens | 12 |
3. Budget Friendly Chicken Tractor Plans

If you want to build your chicken tractor cheaply, old pallets are the way to go. You can often find them cheap, if not outright free. After that, all you have to do is follow this chicken tractor plan over on instructables to have a simple yet effective chicken tractor!
Ease of Build | Easy |
Size in Feet | 4×8 |
Max Number of Chickens | 10 |
4. Is That a Rickshaw?

No, your eyes aren’t playing tricks on you! This ingenious chicken tractor looks surprisingly a lot like a rickshaw. Abuddantpermaculture came up with this chicken tractor plan that makes it super easy for one person to move the coop from one place to another.
Ease of Build | Easy |
Size in Feet | 6×6 |
Max Number of Chickens | 20 |
5. Easy to Build A-Frame Design

This backyardchickens design is ideal for those that want to start raising chickens slowly. This cute little a-frame is perfect for around six chickens. It’s a simple design that any DIYer can build, plus it will look absolutely adorable in your backyard!
Ease of Build | Easy |
Size in Feet | 3×4 |
Max Number of Chickens | 6 |
6. Light on Materials and the Budget

This simple a-frame chicken tractor build is perfect for beginner DIY hopefuls to get into raising chickens. Its simplistic design makes this coop lightweight and light on your budget as well. When you’re ready to start building, take a look at instructables for a detailed walkthrough.
Ease of Build | Easy |
Size in Feet | 4×8 |
Max Number of Chickens | 6 |
7. It Ain’t Pretty But It Works

This a-frame-inspired chicken tractor plan is perfect for first-timers. Its simple design makes it hard to make too many mistakes while you put the coop together. When you’re done with the build, the lightweight design makes it easy to move around your property.
Want to see for yourself? Head over to instructables to get a closer look at this chicken tractor.
Ease of Build | Easy |
Size in Feet | 2×4 |
Max Number of Chickens | 4 |
8. Mean Green A-Frame

Ana-white shows off this green and, dare I say, sassy-looking a-frame chicken tractor on her site. It’s a simple design that lets you start raising chickens at a slower pace while keeping your backyard looking great at the same time!
Ease of Build | Easy |
Size in Feet | 4×6 |
Max Number of Chickens | 8 |
9. A Cheap and Rustic Chicken Tractor Build

You don’t have to spend a lot to have a great chicken tractor. Abundantpermaculture lays out in detail how to build this rustic and inexpensive chicken tractor. But don’t think cheap means low quality. This chicken tractor plan will keep your feathered friends safe and happy with a strong, secure home!
Ease of Build | Easy |
Size in Feet | 3×8 |
Max Number of Chickens | 8 |
10. A Ready in No Time Chicken Tractor

This may not only be one of the cheapest builds on our list, but it may be the fastest to build. Simplyresourceful lays out exactly how to put this budget DIY chicken tractor together in only a couple of hours! It’s perfect for a weekend project.
Ease of Build | Easy |
Size in Feet | 3×8 |
Max Number of Chickens | 10 |
11. A Chicken Tractor With Old World Charm

This chicken tractor plan on backyardchickens was put together on the cheap using reclaimed wood. Even if you’re buying your own supplies, this build should be easy on the wallet. This chicken tractor has an old-school feel to it that will look great in any backyard!
Ease of Build | Easy |
Size in Feet | 7×3 |
Max Number of Chickens | 8 |
12. Classic Chicken Tractor Style

This chicken tractor plan from instructables offers up a classic look that will bring back childhood memories. Or what you think those memories would be if you had grown up on a farm. Either way, it’s a simple design anyone can build!
Ease of Build | Easy |
Size in Feet | 8×4 |
Max Number of Chickens | 8 |
13. Short and Simple Design

This chicken tractor plan from farmhacker uses a simplistic approach to maximizing the number of chickens you can house. The plan is light on headspace for your chicks but offers them plenty of room to roam and scratch around in.
Ease of Build | Easy |
Size in Feet | 12×8 |
Max Number of Chickens | 40 |
14. Solid A-Frame Construction

There is a reason so many designs use a-frame construction; they are solid and spacious. Themodernhomestead shows off the classic design with this oversized a-frame chicken tractor. Large, easy to build, and built to last- what’s not to love!
Ease of Build | Easy |
Size in Feet | 8×9 |
Max Number of Chickens | 16 |
15. Easy to Build A-Frame Chicken Tractor

It isn’t hard to make a simple chicken tractor that does its job. It is a bit harder to make one that also looks great. This design from hobbyfarms combines both function and style with this beautiful a-frame chicken tractor plan. The best part, it’s still super easy to build!
Ease of Build | Easy |
Size in Feet | 6×3 |
Max Number of Chickens | 10 |
16. Upcycle Yourself a Chicken Tractor

If anything can leave you feeling as good as raising your own chickens does, it’s reusing available materials and saving money! Craftfoxes had a terrific idea to use an old couch frame to create a spacious DIY chicken tractor. Would you have known they used a couch if we hadn’t told you?
Ease of Build | Easy |
Size in Feet | 6×3 |
Max Number of Chickens | 10 |
17. Big Top Chicken Tractor

The builder of this barn roof topped chicken tractor over on instructables said he put this coop together with minimal planning. Honestly, we wouldn’t have thought that by the pictures. This looks like a spacious and well-built chicken tractor plan your chicks will love!
Ease of Build | Easy |
Size in Feet | 8 |
Max Number of Chickens | 8×4 |
18. No Frills Just Works Chicken Tractor Plans

Basic shouldn’t be a dirty word. Basic is simple, straightforward, and most of all, basic works! This chicken tractor from instructables is definitely basic, but it works and works well. This is a great DIY project for first-time chicken owners who may not be the most crafty person around.
Ease of Build | Easy |
Size in Feet | 8×4 |
Max Number of Chickens | 8 |
19. Another Awesome A-Frame

Yet another excellent a-frame chicken tractor plan, this time from the good folks at greenwillowhomestead. They offer these awesome a-frames in variable sizes, so you’re bound to find one that works for you. Or just start small, and order larger as you get more and more chickens!
Ease of Build | Easy |
Size in Feet | 6×10 for the Medium |
Max Number of Chickens | 30 |
20. Light Enough for a Child to Move

This design over at instructables takes the mobile aspect of chicken tractors to heart! This easy DIY chicken tractor plan was constructed using spare wood and parts around the owner’s property. And, they say that it’s lightweight enough for a child to move. Plus, it works great too!
Ease of Build | Easy |
Size in Feet | 4×8 |
Max Number of Chickens | 8 |
21. Chicken Tractor Plans Using Upcycled Parts

Instructables brings us another simple DIY chicken tractor build that uses recycled parts from around the house. Super simple instructions for a super simple build that delivers a robust and mobile coop your chickens will love. Just don’t forget the chicken tractor wheels for easier moving!
Ease of Build | Easy |
Size in Feet | 8×2 |
Max Number of Chickens | 6 |
22. Old School Red Chicken Tractor

It seems everything retro is becoming cool, and that is true for chicken tractors and coops as well! Take this design at backyardchickens, for example.
This roomy chicken tractor is modeled after an older-style chicken coop and colored in traditional red. This roomy chicken tractor is perfect for the chicken parent with an old-school spirit.
Ease of Build | Easy |
Size in Feet | 8×3 |
Max Number of Chickens | 16 |
23. DIY Friendly Chicken Tractor Project

Raising your own chickens couldn’t be easier with this DIY chicken tractor plan from longbournfarm. A simple 4×8 frame with a dome top is all you need to have the perfect home for around 16 egg-laying chickens. With designs this simple, there shouldn’t be anything keeping you from raising your own chicks!
Ease of Build | Easy |
Size in Feet | 4×8 |
Max Number of Chickens | 16 |
24. Easy PVC Chicken Tractor Project

There are a number of benefits to using PVC when you’re building a chicken tractor, and the folks at simplesavings showcase many of those reasons with this tractor design. PVC is relatively easy to work with and incredibly light, making it the perfect building material for coops. Take a weekend to put this chicken tractor plan into motion, and you will see for yourself just how great of a building material PVC really is.
Ease of Build | Easy |
Size in Feet | 3×6 |
Max Number of Chickens | 4 |
25. Large PVC Dome Chicken Tractor Plans

Lightweight PVC, domed top for an added sense of space, and a robust canvas covering for protection against the elements, this chicken tractor plan has it all! And if you want to give it a go yourself, check out the simple plans at backyardchickens. This is an easy build that shouldn’t take more than a weekend to finish.
Ease of Build | Easy |
Size in Feet | 5×10 |
Max Number of Chickens | 20 |
26. Low and Easy to Manage Chicken Tractor

Farmagain shows us another low ceiling chicken tractor. This one has a height of around 24-inches and is super easy to get inside of for fresh eggs every morning. It’s an easy DIY build that will be easy to move around your property.
Ease of Build | Easy |
Size in Feet | 10×10 |
Max Number of Chickens | 30 |
27. Simple A-Frame Chicken Tractor Plan

Sometimes simple is all you need, and this cute little a-frame chicken tractor at backyardchickens certainly proves that. If you’re only looking to raise a small handful of chickens, you will be hard-pressed to find a better chicken tractor plan. Two sturdy wheels and ideally placed handles make this one of the best plans on our list.
Ease of Build | Average |
Size in Feet | 2×2 Roost |
Max Number of Chickens | 3 |
28. Chicken Tractor Plans That are Large and Strong

The folks at farmmarketingsolutions claim these large chicken tractors can handle winds up to 70 m.p.h. After taking one look at these spacious coops, we are inclined to believe them. They look sturdy as a rock. But a rock that can roll where you want it to go!
Ease of Build | Average |
Size in Feet | 9×7 |
Max Number of Chickens | 30 |
29. A Mechanical Marvel

This crafty chicken tractor plan from backyardchickens lays out the steps to add in a mechanism to raise and lower the coop for easier movement. A feature your back will absolutely love. This chicken tractor is perfect for the DIYer with a bit of mechanical know-how!
Ease of Build | Average |
Size in Feet | 3×8 |
Max Number of Chickens | 10 |
30. Free-Range Home for Your Chickens

If your chickens spend most of their day freely roaming around your property, this adorable chicken tractor plan from backyardpoultry may be perfect for you. Your chickens can do their thing during the day, then head into their chicken tractor at night to stay warm and protected from predators.
Ease of Build | Average |
Size in Feet | 7×3 |
Max Number of Chickens | 12 |
31. Room for Everyone

This chicken tractor has plenty of room for all of your chickens without taking up a massive footprint in your yard. It’s a no-frills design that does what it’s supposed to, house and protect your chickens. If you like the look of this chicken tractor, you can find plans for it over on instructables.
Ease of Build | Average |
Size in Feet | 8×4 |
Max Number of Chickens | 14 |
32. Lightweight PVC Construction

The main point of a chicken tractor is mobility. And the best thing for mobility is lightweight materials.
This PVC chicken tractor from grit is the perfect example of lightweight construction that gets the job done! After you get done with this chicken tractor, your back and chickens will love you for it!
Ease of Build | Average |
Size in Feet | 12×6 |
Max Number of Chickens | 14 |
33. Absolutely Adorable Chicken Tractor

There aren’t many plans on this list that produce a chicken tractor as adorable as this one we found at backyardchickens. This little mobile coop is just the right size to raise a decent amount of chickens while still looking great anywhere you want to move it to.
Ease of Build | Average |
Size in Feet | 6×4 |
Max Number of Chickens | 12 |
34. Four Wheeling PVC Fun

Two chicken tractor wheels are usually the norm, however, this backyardchickens design uses four sturdy wheels to move this practical-looking coop around your yard. The PVC construction makes this coop incredibly easy to move and to keep clean. It shouldn’t be too much work to build this excellent chicken tractor.
Ease of Build | Average |
Size in Feet | 4×10 |
Max Number of Chickens | 14 |
35. Loops and Hoops for Comfort and Protection

Realizehomestead shows off their take on the classic hoop chicken tractor build with this simple design. The high ceiling hoop design gives your chickens an airy sense of freedom. This reduces stress on your pals and makes for better-tasting eggs!
Ease of Build | Average |
Size in Feet | 8×8 |
Max Number of Chickens | 14 |
36. Low and Roomy Chicken Tractor

Your chickens may not have much headroom with this plan from naturallivinghomestead, but the 8×8 frame still leaves them with plenty of room to roam. This simple DIY chicken tractor build is easy to move and makes getting your eggs out each morning an easy process. This is definitely a plan to keep in mind if this is your first DIY chicken coop project.
Ease of Build | Average |
Size in Feet | 8×8 |
Max Number of Chickens | 10 |
37. What to do When Not Using Your Chicken Tractor

Raising chickens but not sure you will have them all year? The fellows at hawk-hill have just the chicken tractor for you! This lightweight DIY tractor checks all of the important boxes- cheap, robust, easy to move, and easy to store.
Unlike many other chicken tractors and coops, this one is made to easily fold up for easy storage when not in use. Give it a look if you’re thinking of becoming a part-time parent to some chickens.
Ease of Build | Average |
Size in Feet | 4×8 |
Max Number of Chickens | 10 |
38. A 30 Minute Chicken Tractor Build

The good people at lumnahacres say all you need to get this chicken tractor built is 30-minutes and $30 if you follow their plans. Not sure about the 30-minute part, but this does look like a DIY-friendly project you could complete in a day. The final chicken tractor build looks solid and ready for use as well.
Ease of Build | Average |
Size in Feet | 6×8 |
Max Number of Chickens | 14 |
39. Robust Arched Chicken Tractor Construction

The design of this chicken tractor gives it a strong, robust appearance. It’s a simplistic design that is easy to build and will last for years.
Or until you need to replace it with a bigger version. If you want to take a closer look, just click on over to instructables.
Ease of Build | Average |
Size in Feet | 3×8 |
Max Number of Chickens | 10 |
40. Out of the Box DIY Chicken Tractor Build

This chicken tractor build almost defies belief. An everyday plastic garbage can, some metal wiring, and a couple of pieces of PVC combine to create a chicken tractor unlike any on this list.
It’s impressive and worth checking out over on blossomsnblunders. This is definitely one of the more imaginative plans on this already sensational list!
Ease of Build | Average |
Size in Feet | 6×2 |
Max Number of Chickens | 2-3 |
41. Mini Wheelbarrow Style Chicken Tractor

This cute little blue chicken tractor at backyardchickens almost looks like a fancy wheelbarrow. Hanging feeders, simple egg access, and easy-to-leverage handles help to make this tiny chicken tractor on wheels one of the best mini tractors on our list. It doesn’t hurt that it will look great in your backyard either!
Ease of Build | Average |
Size in Feet | 8×2 |
Max Number of Chickens | 3 |
42. A Multi-Purpose Chicken Tractor

This roomy chicken tractor from thelazybfarm can pull double duty if need be. Its sturdy design makes it an excellent chicken tractor, but if you remove your chickens, it can double as a dog pen. The design and extensive wire cutting move this coop up a bit in the difficulty department, but it’s still a great design that anyone can build!
Ease of Build | Difficult |
Size in Feet | 7×7 |
Max Number of Chickens | 16 |
43. Not so Tiny Chicken Tractor

Okay, not all chicken tractors are tiny and compact. Some, like this one from backyardchickens, are the size of a tiny house! It will definitely take a couple of people to get this tractor moved, but its adorable and sturdy design make it a top choice DIY chicken tractor plan.
Ease of Build | Difficult |
Size in Feet | 4×8 |
Max Number of Chickens | 10 |
44. A Heavy Duty Chicken Tractor

Another example of bigger is better! This spacious chicken tractor plan allows you to construct a solid all-purpose chicken tractor.
One thing to note is that it isn’t lightweight in the least! The good folks at kerrcenter used an actual tractor to move theirs!
Ease of Build | Difficult |
Size in Feet | 10×6 |
Max Number of Chickens | 15 |
45. A Large Mobile Home for Your Chickens

You are going to need some heavy-duty chicken tractor wheels for this oversized mobile chicken coop! This chicken tractor plan probably isn’t the best one for beginners to dive into.
Maybe raise a few chickens first and see how you enjoy the hobby before investing in this mobile home-sized coop! If you think you can handle it, though, check out the plans at backyardchickens.
Ease of Build | Difficult |
Size in Feet | 8×10 |
Max Number of Chickens | 40 |
46. Go Big Chicken Tractor Plans

This chicken tractor at backyardchickens certainly follows the old adage of “go big or go home”! This chicken tractor was built using a lot of materials that the designer had on hand, so big didn’t mean expensive. It’s not the most straightforward build on the list, but if you think you’re ready for the challenge, it could be well worth the work!
Ease of Build | Difficult |
Size in Feet | 4×10 |
Max Number of Chickens | 25 |
47. Innovative Chicken Tractor Wheels

This brilliantly designed mobile coop we found on grit uses a couple of old bicycle tires as the chicken tractor’s wheels. The bike’s pedals are also put to use, raising and lowering the coop for easier transport.
This isn’t a first-time DIYer-friendly project. But it’s still a great design.
Ease of Build | Difficult |
Size in Feet | 12×8 |
Max Number of Chickens | 40 |
48. A Tractor for Your Chicken Tractor

This chicken tractor on homegardendesisngplan looks like it was made for a showroom- it’s absolutely gorgeous! The strong, durable construction adds a little bit of weight to the build and will require a lawn tractor to move the coop around your property.
Ease of Build | Difficult |
Size in Feet | 6×4 |
Max Number of Chickens | 12 |
49. Zip Tie Dome Chicken Tractor

This massive PVC dome chicken tractor is held together primarily by zip ties. An odd combination, but yet, it works!
This colossal structure can hold 40 or more chickens comfortably and is strong enough to withstand some pretty harsh weather. You can get a closer look at this chicken tractor setup over at grit.
Ease of Build | Difficult |
Size in Feet | 16 Feet in Diameter 8 Feet Tall Ceiling |
Max Number of Chickens | 40 Plus |
50. An Igloo Disguised as a Chicken Tractor

This geometrically eccentric design we found over at milkwood is definitely one of the more unique designs on our list. This igloo-shaped chicken tractor has plenty of ground and head clearance for your chickens to enjoy themselves in. It may not be the most practical build on the list, but it may be one of the funnest.
Ease of Build | Difficult |
Size in Feet | Varies |
Max Number of Chickens | 20 to 40 |
Can Chickens Live in a Chicken Tractor Year-Round?
Honestly, it depends on your situation. If you live in a warmer area, leaving your chickens in a chicken tractor year-round will be fine. Those living in colder climates may be better served to let their chickens move into a better insulated permanent coop.
Plus, it can be a pain to try and move a chicken tractor around after a heavy snow. Having a permanent coop as a backup can make life easier for you and your chicken buddies.
Will Chickens Lay Eggs in a Chicken Tractor?
Yes, and possibly more than they would in a traditional coop. The mobility of the chicken tractor allows you to ensure your chickens always have access to fresh grass and a full supply of insects to scratch after.
Fresher food coupled with the sense of freedom a chicken tractor can provide helps keep chickens happy and healthier than they may be in a fixed coop. This can lead to more and better-tasting eggs.
Does a Chicken Tractor Need a Floor?
Not only do chicken tractors not need a floor, but they actually are better without one. Chicken tractors are designed to provide your chickens with a sense of free-range freedom.
Something they wouldn’t get if the tractor had a floor. Having the chicken tractor set on the bare ground also allows the chickens to aerate and fertilize your soil as you move the tractor around your property.
Do You Need a Coop With a Chicken Tractor?
Like a traditional coop, a chicken tractor provides your chickens with an enclosure to protect themselves from the elements and allows them a place to roost. Chicken tractors are essentially small portable chicken coops.
Are Chicken Tractors Legal Everywhere?
Probably yes, but maybe not. In most areas, it is legal to own chickens and a coop.
But, this can vary from not only state to state but municipality to municipality. Before you put all of the hard work into building a chicken tractor and bonding with your feathered friends, it’s worth calling your local Department of Planning and Zoning to be certain.
Another important thing to keep in mind is that just because it’s legal to own chickens in your area doesn’t mean your HOA will be okay with it. Again, before you invest too much into your chicken tractor plan, it’s worth checking in with your HOA representative to be sure they will approve it.
Life is busy and, unfortunately, only getting busier. Raising chickens is the perfect answer for this problem. Bringing up and enjoying the benefits of your own chickens is a great way to slow down and unwind after a stressful day. It’s a delicious and fun hobby that you can do alone or with the family. So enjoy our list of chicken tractor plans and pick the perfect one for you!